Generate Cut-List Output:
After enabling your units for manufacturing, navigate to the Outputs section and select Cut-Lists.
Choose the type of cut-list you need: General, Biesse, or KDT.
Access Cut-List Settings:
Look at the bottom right of your screen for the Cut-List Settings option.
Click on Cut-List Settings.
Modify Information Inclusion:
Select the cut-list type you are generating (e.g., General).
You will see options to include Project Information and Store Information.
By default, these settings are captured from your admin portal.
If you want to exclude this information for a particular project, turn off the respective options.
Download Updated Cut-List:
Once you have modified the settings, download the cut-list.
The downloaded cut-list will now exclude the Project Information and/or Store Information based on your settings.
Set Default Preferences at Admin Level:
If you want to ensure that all future cut-lists do not include this information, go to your Admin Portal.
Navigate to Preferences and Settings > Preferences > Cut List Preferences.
You will see the same options for Biesse and General cut-lists.
Turn off the options for including Project Information and Store Information, and update the settings.
Refresh Existing Work Orders:
If you have existing work orders and want to apply the new admin settings, select Refresh from Admin.
This will update the current state of the work orders with the details from your admin portal.
By following these steps, you can customize your cut-list outputs to exclude specific information and set default preferences in the Infurnia MES Portal.