Detailed Video:
Coordinating Shipment with Infurnia's Packaging Solution
Completing Packaging:
Panel and Hardware Packaging:
Ensure all panels and hardware are packaged in boxes with QR-coded panel labels.
Using the Shipment Option:
Access Shipment Option:
Go to the shipment section in Infurnia's admin portal.
Downloading Panel Labels:
For each box, download the panel label.
The panel label will include a QR code specific to that box.
Loading Boxes:
Scan QR Codes:
As you load each box, scan its QR code.
Scanned boxes will be listed under the loaded boxes section.
Unscanned boxes will remain under the "yet to be loaded" section.
Track Loaded Boxes:
Track the number of loaded and yet-to-be-loaded boxes.
View details of loaded boxes, including the number of panels and hardware.
Adding Shipment Details:
Input Shipment Information:
Click on the
Shipment Details
option on the right side.Enter relevant information:
Driver's Name
Driver's Phone Number
Vehicle Number
From Address
Receiver's Name
Receiver's Phone Number
Receiver's Address
Save the shipment details.
Printing Shipment Documents:
Generate Shipment Documents:
Click on
Print Documents for Shipping
.Options include:
Print Summary:
Generates a PDF summary of the shipment.
Print All Shipment Documents:
Downloads detailed shipment documents, including box contents and panel details.
By following these steps, you can efficiently coordinate the loading and shipping of your panels and hardware using Infurnia's comprehensive packaging and shipment solution.