The following components of the staircase can be edited:
Individual flight
Individual step
To edit the staircase, click on the staircase, and select the Staircase tab in the lefthand panel.
To change the base elevation of the staircase, enter the desired value into the Elevation field.
To rotate the staircase, either click on the rotate by 90 deg icon or enter the desired value (degrees) into the Rotation (deg) field.
To shift the staircase, either click on the staircase, hold and drag to the desired location; or, enter the desired values into the Right and Down fields, or the negative desired values to shift the staircase left or up respectively.
To reverse the directions of the staircase's flights, select the Reverse Staircase option in the left panel.
To delete the staircase, either press Delete after selecting the staircase, or select Delete Staircase in the left panel.
Staircase Section
To edit a single staircase flight, click on the staircase flight, and select the Staircase Section tab in the lefthand panel.
To shift the staircase flight, enter the desired values into the Right and Down fields, or the negative desired values to shift the staircase left or up respectively.
To add a step to the flight, select Add Flight in the left panel.
To delete the staircase flight, select Delete Section in the left panel.
Staircase Step
To edit a single step, click on the step, and select the Staircase Step tab in the lefthand panel.
To delete the staircase step, select Delete Step in the left panel.