To lock and unlock a design in Infurnia, you can follow these steps:
Locking a Design:
Navigate to the project where the design is located.
Hover over the design file that you want to lock.
Click on the "Details" option on the right top corner of your design thumbnail.
In the dropdown menu, you'll find an option called "Lock." Click on it.
Confirm that you want to lock this design. Once confirmed, the design is locked.
After locking the design, you can still open it and make changes, but those changes will not be saved in the design file.
Unlocking a Design:
To unlock a design, hover over the locked design.
Click on the dropdown menu, and you will see an option to "Request Unlock."
By selecting "Request Unlock," a message is sent to the admin of your organization requesting them to unlock the design for you.
Please note that unlocking a design typically requires approval from an admin, and you will not be able to unlock it yourself, unless you are the admin. Once unlocked, you can make changes to the design and save those changes in the design file.
Locking and unlocking designs can help control access and changes to your design files in Infurnia.